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About our Shire
This is the Shire of Draca Mor in the Kingdom of the Outlands in the Society for Creative Anachronism. We are in Grand Junction Colorado but include Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Marble, Montrose, Delta and a lot of places in-between.
Participate in armored fighting or rapier events.
Learn how to re-create pre-17th century attires and accessories.
Be a part of fantastic adventures.
What is the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)
The SCA is an international society that is dedicated to preserving and recreating the pre-17th century through events and activities. Click to find out more about this unique community we are proud to be a part of.
SCA Newcomer's PortalWelcome to the Kingdom of the Outlands
Click on the link below if you are new to our Kingdom and would like to learn more about the community you can be a part of!
Kingdom of the Outlands Newcomer Portal